What does SNAPSO stand for?

SNAPSO is an acronym for Special Needs Adult Program Services Organization.

Are you a registered charity?

Yes, we are a registered charity. Our charitable registration Number is 807647763 RR0001. To learn more about our organization visit our About section of our website.

How can I make a donation?

Making a donation to SNAPSO can easily be made online. Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation to our program or to learn more about Corporate Sponsorships.

What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. We are closed Saturdays, Sundays and all Statutory holidays.

How old do you have to be to attend the program?

To participate in the program, participants must be 21 years of age and over.

How much does it cost to participate in the program?

The cost to attend the program is $90/day.

How do we receive Program Receipts?

Receipts are distributed by email on the first of the month.

Where is the SNAPSO entrance?

Entrance to SNAPSO is located at the back of Ellen Mitchell Recreation Centre. The entrance to Ellen Mitchell is located at the front of the building.

Can my child attend only 1 day a week or does it have to be 5 days a week?

Participation in the program is flexible. Attending 1 day a week or 5 days a week are both options.

How do I know what the schedule will be each week?

Weekly schedules are emailed out every Thursday.

Can parents volunteer at the program?

Parents do not volunteer at the program on a day to day basis however they may volunteer for fundraising and other special events.

How many people do you support daily?

We provide support to 30 participants on a daily basis.

Do you close if there is bad weather in the winter?

The program closes due to inclement weather when the Peel school board schools are closed.

Are you open all year round?

Yes, we are open all year but close in December for a week during the holidays.

Is there a wait list to attend the SNAPSO program?

Unfortunately, we do have a wait list.

How do I get added to the wait list?

Please call 905-458-6217 to make an appointment to come in with your family member to tour our facility and learn more about the SNAPSO program.

Can anyone make a referral?

Yes, absolutely!

Who do I contact regarding funding?

You should contact Developmental Services Ontario. A list of additional support organizations can be found on our Resources page.